The Smart Meter Faraday Cover Video Including Before and After Readings
Concerned about EMF and RF exposure? You should be! In these videos, I install a smart meter Faraday cover from Smart Meter Guard Made in USA!
If you have not been wondering about those cell phone towers and AC/DC adapters, Smart Meters or “Dirty Electricity” and what it’s doing to our bodies, then I suggest you get two books as soon as possible to get you moving off your keesters to at least protect yourself as much as you can if we as a nation, cannot put a stop to it all with common sense usage of tools left to us by our founders to start new and more numerous governments, run by a show of hands from the town hall nearest you as to what stays and what goes as opposed to Seven or Nine people, voting on the consequences of communities or our entire nation.
What’s that opinion got to do with EMF and RF you ask? Everything. Because of what is called crony capitalism and corruption of government representatives, we have been fooled into thinking they are looking out for out best interest and they know best for us. We’ve been asleep at the switch of a system, which George Mason and Patrick Henry vehemently opposed. It gave us EMF from dirty electricity. It gave us High band frequency communications that we don’t really need to cook our DNA. You are the frog in the pot of invisible water, getting so hot, we all are suffering symptoms and only a handful of brave scientists and doctors are now stepping forward to blow the whistle.
The two books are :
THE NON-TINFOIL GUIDE TO EMFs by Nicolas Pineault ISBN 1976109124 This is the best book for entering and understanding the situation.
Here is a sample page:
Notice, it is the “Western” nations, now under attack from open borders who suffer the most from the burden of RF related networks. I wonder why?
EMF*D by Dr. Joseph Mercola ISBN 978-1-4019-6224-1 This book is a must have if you intend to take on the big money machine. He has it all including the talking points of the devils themselves and when you hear them spout out the words, “Well it’s Non-Ionizing so it can’t hurt you”. Well, they wrong and they’re are leaning on old studies done over 27 years ago as of this writing. So much has been learned by other nations scientists since then and our nation has made no effort to acknowledge that information or fund studies of our own, because the politicians have been paid off to look the other way!
A sample page for those who look for a simple solution:
and another page from Dr. Mercola’s book outlining EMF frequencies:
It is the most important book you will by this century and is it any wonder, NONE OF THE MAJOR TALKS HOWS WILL SPEAK OF IT?
The reading range of my CPI RF meter which I used in my video:
So when you see the meter turn red in the video, you’re in the presence of over .6 volts per meter. It goes down hill from there in exponential form. I would normally say “enjoy the videos” but I would rather see you get in gear and buy those books and more of the other authors if can and get your people together. This needs to stop! Get active! Those Data Centers are bad news too! We don’t need them! We don’t need the DNA destruction and the cancers!!!
There is more work and studying to be done in another area as well. This has to do with Solar Maximum cycles compounding the EMF and RF soup we’ve never had to live in.
Briefly, NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency) opened a new website this year called the Space Weather Prediction Center. Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
What I have found in their observations from their Goes 16 and Goes 16 satellites, is that they managed to capture a rarely mention measurement of eV. That is called “electronvolt”. If you want to look at a basic definition of this, I have been satisfied with the Wikipedia page on this:
One of the things I have observed about the NOAA coverage is that it is intended for the consumption of the Communications Industry and was not intended for any medical use. However, in being in touch with people who suffer certain chronic pains and a group of Doctors, Engineers and Scientists, we may have discovered a correlation from the electronvolt measurements being read by Goes 16 and Goes 18 and another causality of chronic health issues.
Here is the image of one of those recording from the past seven days of this writing. When you see the Voltage drop below the red dotted line, most of the people I know who suffer chronic pains, feel better after a while.
As Dr. Mercola’s book points out, the low earth satellites being sent up by the thousands, send down a 5G bath, we can no longer escape. There is also CERN in Switzerland. In their November-December Newsletter, reference the story, “Heavy Ions Return In Style” CERNCourier2023NovDec-digitaledition NEW.pdf
What saves the day as you see in that graph is on 11-12-23 through midnight 11-12-23, we experienced a Geo Magnetic impact from the sun. I have noticed that when the Electron Flux is high, it gets negated by a Geo Magnetic Storm event and pushes the Electronvolts back to a normal low and erratic recording as you would expect from our Sun. The spike recorded which drove down the Electronvolts early on 11-13-23 is the yellow bar in the Kp index of Geo Magnetic Storms. This one measured a 5 or (G2)
What is something I have not seen a lot of are these events where the Electrons stay high for more than one day at a time as they used to. Now we see a week or more of these kinds of electronvolts swamping the planet. Is this a condition seen by the Goes Satellites something we’re not supposed to see or make sense of? Is CERN or the low orbiting satellites creating this high static voltage condition by accident or on purpose, in the name of “science”?
We are in trouble and our Government(s) are not helping us. They are not looking after us, and it has been going on sine the beginning of our current Constitutional style government, where they knew they could vote money to their friends and supporters.
Get educated and get your health back first! Then let us have an open debate about how to fix the government problems we have.
Yours in liberty,